
Triple H, October 2011:

“When I grew up, I hated Hogan. I thought he was terrible and didn’t like to watch him. I was like Punk in a way. I liked the Steamboats and Flairs and the ones that could go. Would I be right in saying that Hogan was the wrong guy to go with, and they should’ve changed directions and gone with Steamboat because he was the better wrestler? Ludicrous.” - Triple H. October, 2011.

Road to Royal Rumble 2019 (The Counterfactual Turns 14)

Sunday, December 01, 2019

(Hey, for better and worse, I've been publishing this for 14 years; do with that what you will. I've got it booked through two Wrestlemanias, so I'm at least planning on going that far.)

Survivor Series was here.

Royal Rumble 30 is next month from Phoenix.  A dozen matches on the overstuffed card. Here’s what it looks like:

WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura v. Kenta
IC Title: Three Way Dance: Prince Devitt v. Pete Dunne (w/Nigel) v. Akira Tozawa
Tags: Hooligans (McIntyre/Sheamus w/Miz) v. Trash (Claudio/Gargano)
Women’s Title: Asuka v. Ember Moon

Number One Contender: Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) v. AJ Styles
Loser Leaves Town: Dean Ambrose v. Tyler Black (w/Anderson/Gallows)
No DQ: Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe
Ronda Rousey (w/Baszler/Duke/Shafir) v. Becky Lynch

New Day v. Shoot Nation (Angle/Lashley/Benjamin)
Four Corners Match: Rey Mysterio/La Sombra (w/Zelina) v. Kalisto/Crews v. Shoot Nation (Nemeth/Gable) v. Underground (Black/Murphy)
Jeff Hardy v. Ali
lo Shirai v. Kairi Sane

WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura v. Kenta

Nakamura kept the title over Claudio at Survivor Series; so he’ll go to the Rumble as WWF Champion for  full year. He and Kenta got together earlier in the summer in the build to Summer Slam and remained aligned throughout the build to Survivor Series.  Where once Kenta was clearly seen as superior, and then they were long running equals, now Nakamura is at the very top of the sport and Kenta is his supportive veteran friend (the fates of their respective Japanese promotions are seen as running parallel to their own stories). 

But, all good things must end, and not long after Survivor Series following a victorious tag match, 
Kenta celebrates by hitting Nakamura with the Go to Sleep – and we get a show ending shot of Kenta grabbing the WWF Title belt and raising it aloft over the fallen Shinsuke.

That’s the match – Kenta is not friendly veteran just happy to be supportive to his friend Shinsuke – Kenta is pissed off veteran tired of being disrespected by you idiots. Kenta beats up his longtime ally Hero during the build.  There’s historical color for the match throughout WWF platforms that positions this match as the lineal result of the All Japan/New Japan split – as if Kenta is Baba and Nakamura is Inoki.  The winner is headed to Wrestlemania 35 to take on the winner of Lesnar/Styles. 

IC Title: Three Way Dance: Prince Devitt v. Pete Dunne (w/Claudio) v. Akira Tozawa

Devitt’s war against Dark Ride Wrestling continues – he kept the belt against Dorada at Survivor Series and now all of Dark Ride, which was once united, is in a pitched battle against each other to get that shot at the IC; we should see the mastermind Devitt, who promised to tear Dark Ride Wrestling apart, as accomplishing his mission.

Nigel leaves his announce position during the build; he now is full time manager of British Strong Style (Ranallo will announce RAW by himself for the final month) and that switch is credited with Dunne’s getting the title shot at the Rumble. He won’t get that shot alone though – Tozawa from Blood Warriors International will also get that shot – and there’s a lot of BSS v. BWI stuff throughout the build.  Devitt cuts promos wearing his Dark Ride Wrestling t-shirt (because he owns Dark Ride).

Tags: Hooligans (McIntyre/Sheamus w/Miz) v. Trash (Claudio/Gargano)

Triumph long sought for Hooligans at Survivor Series when they took the belts from Bullet Club – it’s the first ever WWF belts for both McIntyre and Miz – there’s no real program here; Hooligans gets wins over the Usos and the Revival – this match is thrown together late after Gargano vanquishes Ciampa in Dark Ride, the story is that, sure Hooligans are champs – but they are really stepping up in quality in taking on elite level workers like Claudio and Gargano – additionally, Gargano’s inability to get a belt is part of his character and so that desperation is underneath everything he does, even after his huge victory over Ciampa.

Women’s Title: Asuka v. Ember Moon

Asuka does workrate matches – there’s never a heat up angle for her; she’s sort of bigger than that – she’s undefeated and has the best match she can have and that’s been her program since her first day with the promotion and it continues here – Moon essentially took Asuka’s place at the top of Dark Ride and now she gets this shot.

Number One Contender: Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) v. AJ Styles

First time ever – it’s Lesnar against Styles with the winner headed to Mania.  It’s pure sport build – here’s Lesnar training out in the snow in North Dakota or wherever the fuck he is, here’s AJ running on the beach in Florida.  AJ is a Triple Crown winner and Brock’s a two time champ – AJ has turned babyface, Lesnar’s nominally a heel, but really he’s just Lesnar.  Both guys come in hot – they each beat Danielson this year, both men are driven to win that title back – Brock came back to WWF with this shot at the title as part of his new contract (we’re told it’s the biggest per date money deal in promotion history) and AJ left the Bullet Club largely out of a sense that he needed to win the WWF Title on his own.  AJ works one singles match in the build, it’s against Anderson, neither Black or Devitt in attendance, it’s just Styles and his old buddies Anderson and Gallows – AJ goes over, he is able to withstand the postmatch attempt to take him out 2:1 – babyface AJ Styles stands tall.  Lesnar comes in to squash Rowan.  There’s a Heyman Hustle with AJ as the guest to heat up the match – Heyman suggesting that AJ won the Triple Crown only with the aid of the Bullet Club, and without them he’s going to find he’s no match for Lesnar.  AJ saying Lesnar will wish he took the Cormier fight after what he’s got coming to him at the Rumble. 

Loser Leaves Town: Dean Ambrose v. Tyler Black (w/Anderson & Gallows)

RAW the night after Survivor Series begins with Ambrose – he was out a year with injuries inflicted by his longtime partner Black, he came back last night to prevent Black’s attempt to cash in his briefcase following the main event.  He comes to the ring here and he is still heated – he calls out Tyler, “fight me, Tyler – come out here and fight me” – Black, with the rest of the male members of the Bullet Club right behind, makes his way from the back.  Black motions for the others to remain on the ramp as he makes his way to the ring.  Black and Ambrose go nose to nose – Black is cool here, not rising to Ambrose’s anger.  Black says he’s not going to fight Ambrose tonight.  Black says what’s the end game here – Dean  - I missed a year of my career, you missed a year of yours – you kept me from becoming WWF Champion last night – what’s the play – we fight – maybe you get the better of it – maybe I do – maybe my guys come down this ramp and bury you under the flag and you get to make another triumphant return at Survivor Series 2020. 

What’s the end game?

Dean says it never ends – he will fight Tyler Black as long as he stands in this ring – every single night that Tyler Black stands in this ring he will need to fight Dean Ambrose and there is no end.
Black says he’s taken Ambrose’s proposal under consideration and he has a counter. 

They fight once. At the Royal Rumble.  And then never again.  Because the loser of that fight – leaves town. 

Black says let’s just cut to the end of this story – the end of the story of the Shield – the greatest tag team of all time.  It ends the way it has to end – one of us stays in the WWF and dominates – wins titles, makes money – gets that life that we used to talk about when we were Underground. 

And one of us – just disappears forever. 

Ambrose clearly wasn’t expecting this – he does a million calculations in the matter of seconds – he says “nah, I think I’ll fight you now” – and he attacks Black, he gets the advantage until the Bullet Club runs to the ring and lays him out – Black motions Anderson and Gallows to the ramp – where standing just out of the camera’s view, waiting for an interview segment, is Renee Young – Anderson  and Gallows grab Renee and drag her into the ring – forcing her to look at Ambrose – Devitt grabs Ambrose’s head, forcing him to look at Renee – Black says we can just keep doing this – we can do this night after night, year after year – or we can just stop.  We can stop – we can have one last fight. 

Once and for all.  Royal Rumble.  Loser. Leaves. Town. 

At some point going forward there’s footage of Renee laying it out for Ambrose, this can’t keep going on – it’s bad for both of them – go to the Rumble, take him out, and let’s be done with this war. 
Ambrose will agree – and they set the fight.  The build is taped pieces covering the full relationship between the two men, showing the addition of Langston, the long title run, Black’s injury and then the breakup.  The Shield will crack permanently at the Rumble. 

No DQ: Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe

Danielson and Joe met for the first time in a WWF ring, with all the years of context that entails – and the match ended with Danielson holding the trunks on a small package.

Joe’s understandably heated, screwed once again by this promotion and by Danielson himself. 

Danielson is a little surprised there seems to be a little criticism coming his way.  “Wait a minute – what have I been hearing since I came back – Bryan Danielson doesn’t win wrestling matches anymore.  I won a wrestling match; I won it against one of the great wrestlers alive. I won the way I always have, by doing what needed to be done.  When I’ve needed to be a technical wrestler, that’s what I’ve been – a brawler, a high flyer – that’s what I’ve been.  And now – and now, I’m this.  And if there are people who don’t like this – that’s okay, but I’m going to do what I have to do to win wrestling matches, because I’m a professional wrestler.”

(there’s been buildup, if you’ve noticed, a little bit with each match, of Danielson just nudging away at the rules, following those back to back losses to Styles)

Joe is not persuaded – Danielson’s a holier than thou hypocrite and at the Rumble, in a No DQ match – he can hold the trunks all he wants – he can stroll out of the ring – he can do whatever little tricks he wants - as long as Joe can respond by hitting Danielson with a chair; or throwing him into the steps – or sending him through a table with a muscle buster. If that’s the match Danielson really wants to have – if he really wants to “do what he has to do” – then Samoa Joe will also “do what he has to do”

Ronda Rousey (w/Baszler/Duke/Shafir) v. Becky Lynch

Ronda beats Charlotte at Survivor Series in a wrestling match; she’s a wrestler now and will have a contract signing in the Fight Night main event spot the week after Survivor Series – this is unusual, Fight Night is just matches and taped packages, no angles are shot “Less talk, More Sock” but this is Ronda and she’s special, like Brock.

So – in the main event spot at Fight Night she signs a contract with Hunter.  Hunter’s no longer in the promotion, he has an office in the West Wing (Vince is POTUS, for those unfamiliar; that’s the culmination of an angle literally started years before Trump’s campaign; I’ll occasionally get a comment from a reader that perhaps doesn’t reflect that I’ve been doing this since 2005) but his being in the Rousey storyline reflects its more realistic, more sports oriented, nature (at least, until now).  

We’re told that Rousey has signed for the most per night money in promotion history (it’s a dollar more a shot than Lesnar, we find out). And right after she signs – from the crowd come the rest of the Horsewomen, who we saw for the first time last night – Baszler/Duke/Shafir.  Last night they got into Rousey’s face, evidencing disapproval with her new choice of career – and unexpectedly here they are.

It’s a swerve – actually, they’re with Rousey – and once the ink is on the contract the four absolutely beat Hunter to death; this is a juice angle, Hunter’s headed back to DC and he’s going to full on bleed a gusher here.  The Horsewomen hold up four fingers as they hit the turnbuckles. 

For a couple of weeks, the Horsewomen send in taped pieces, essentially laughing at the entire promotion, laughing at the idea that there was once something called “4-Ground” – when everyone knows when you talk about the number 4 in combat sports– you’re talking about the Horsewomen. 

They say they’ll be at RAW on a particular date and will take on any woman with the balls to step to them.

They come as promised, taunt, goad, cajole – and who comes to the ring is Bayley.

Bayley’s basically enhancement talent, she’s yet to be on PPV, she’s super likeable babyface who puts people over.  But here she is – standing alone against the Horsewomen; Ronda says she admires her stones and says she can go one on one with Baszler – this won’t happen- Ronda’s going to hit her from behind with a forearm and the Horsewomen are going to stomp her out.  The next week – another video; they find this wrestling stuff hilarious and are coming back to do it again.  They do the same bit – and again, who comes out is Bayley.

The Horsewomen laugh – if Bayley really wants another beating; she can make her way down to the ring.

And then, emerging from the back is Banks. 
And then  - Charlotte. 
And then – Lynch.

Now, not only has Lynch not wrestled since losing her title at Mania – but here is Bullet Club Becky, who turned on her friends, now standing with Charlotte from the Horsemen and their former stablemate Banks.  They all look at each other to take in the moment – as if they might decide to just start throwing blows at each other – and then they charge the ring – there’s a quick brawl, the non Ronda Horsewomen all get clotheslined over the top – Ronda bails out on her own, the WWF wrestlers get some revenge.

A War Games match is made with the two squads – here are the needed beats; Rousey comes in last, Bayley takes a pretty good beating but is able to withstand – Becky gets in a nearfall on Rousey that is broken up by Baszler - Charlotte and Becky wind up not being able to get along in a crucial moment and Rousey gets Banks to submit.

Becky’s nearfall becomes the peg to make the match at the Rumble, she cuts a “I would have beaten you if not for your muscle” promo and Rousey is not trying to hear that.   

New Day v. Shoot Nation (Angle/Lashley/Benjamin)

 New Day doesn’t appear at all during the build; Langston was beaten up pretty good by Gods of Carnage (who are suspended) and the full group has had a tough year physically. Shoot Nation continues to “scrimmage” with Underground, w/ Angle continuing to gently needle Regal about the results.  No heat angle here; no issue between the two teams except to see which side wins. 

Four Corners Match: Rey Mysterio/La Sombra (w/Zelina) v. Kalisto & Crews v. Shoot Nation (Nemeth/Gable) v. Underground (Black/Murphy)

Rey’s mentorship of the masked wrestlers continues; Crews’s irritation at the amount of deference that Kalisto gives to Rey grows; the two members of Shoot Nation who otherwise aren’t spoken for are here as are the leaders of the new Underground wave of wrestlers.  We get the last Angle/Rey match in the build, Angle asks Rey to pick two partners; he chooses Kalisto to join he and Sombra, and that adds to Crews’s saltiness.  Shoot Nation’s going over in that one, Lashley pinning Kalisto – furthering Crews’s case that he’s spending too much time listening to Mysterio. 

Jeff Hardy v. Ali
lo Shirai v. Kairi Sane

And the last two matches are just babyface matchups – Ali went over Jeff at Survivor Series – he’s going to get him again in the build, and so we’re saying that the score is 2 to 2 or 3 to 3 or whatever the score is as long as it’s tied.  And Shirai and Sane are here to steal the show; that’s the way this match is being framed, pure workrate, let’s see how good this match can be is the build. 

That’s your show.  Nakamura defends against Kenta; Devitt in the 3 way dance, Gargano’s first PPV, Brock meeting AJ for the first time on PPV; the Joe/Danielson rematch; Ambrose and Black – Loser. Leaves. Town, Kurt Angle.  Rey Mysterio.  Becky Lynch against Ronda Rousey and more.  It is an overloaded card and you can watch it on the WWF Network for only 9.99 a month and its coming in a month

Survivor Series 2018

Friday, November 01, 2019

Survivor Series 2018, the 32nd Survivor Series, the 127th PPV in WWF history, is held in Los Angeles. 

(Dark: Gargano d. Ciampa, Ricochet/Tozawa d. Riddle/Lee)

The show opens cold, as they all do now, on Rousey’s entrance to the ring.  No video package, no announcers, it’s the ramp – it’s the video wall – it’s Ronda Rousey’s music and here she comes.
1.       Ronda Rousey d. Charlotte Flair
-at ringside, for the first time on WWF TV, we see the Horsewomen, Baszler/Duke/Shafir, they’re in the crowd, they’re wearing MMA branded shirts. This is a wrestling match as opposed to being sold as a shoot fight; Rousey’s a wrestler now, she beat Charlotte at Summer Slam in her last shoot fight, but Charlotte got enough of the match that it makes sense that now there’s a wrestling rematch.  This is designed to be the best Ronda wrestling match she can have; the template is Lesnar when he first returned from UFC, Ronda will sell, but not so much that she’s overly vulnerable, the bulk of the match is her just kicking Charlotte’s ass.  She goes over – yells at the crowd a little bit – then walks over to the Horsewomen (there was an outside spot during the match where they all stare at each other) she expresses surprise as to why her former stablemates are here – they shake their heads, seemingly disapproving of her – and they turn and they leave. 

Tomorrow night on RAW Ronda will sign her WWF wrestling contract; there’s a heat angle coming, and you’ll see that in the build for the Rumble.

And now the taped open – it’s LA themed with clips of the previous WWF LA(ish) PPVs:

-WM7 – Savage loses his “retirement” match to Hennig, he and Liz reunite
-WM12 – Shawn takes the title from Bret in the Iron Man match
-Rumble ’99 – Owen taking the title from Cactus in a barbed wire match
-WM16- Jeff taking the big TLC ladder bump, Eddy getting the fall on Jericho to take the IC, Benoit getting Cactus to submit in the crossface to take the WWF Title
-WM21-Michaels superkicking Jericho, Eddy getting the fall on Benoit in the Iron Man
-Summer Slam ’09 – Shawn superkicks Rey to win his 5th IC
-Summer Slam ’10 – Danielson getting the submission from Punk, Edge winning the Triple Crown by beating Jericho for the title
-Summer Slam ’11-Nemeth keeps the WWF Title over Rey
-Summer Slam ’12 – Steamboat throwing in the towel to end the Brock/Punk match
-Summer Slam ’13- Danielson taking the title from Brock
-Summer Slam ’14-Lesnar destroying RVD

Cut to the announce to set the stage for the rest of the night – Ranallo (his 13th PPV), Regal (his 23rd) Nigel (his 10th)

2.       Ali d. Jeff Hardy
-Veteran babyface Jeff has beaten young babyface Ali a couple of times in the build, but Ali got close enough both times that having this match at the PPV makes sense – and Ali goes over; Jeff shakes his hand and claps for him postmatch.

3.       Langston d. Strowman (DQ)
-Year long program between New Day and Gods of Carnage continues, the stip here is that everyone but the two men in the match are barred from ringside and if that is violated it will be an automatic 3 month suspension.  So – of course, Rusev (w/Lana pointing the way) runs in, drawing the DQ – but this program has been about injuring the other guy as opposed to winning matches, GoC beats Langston down, he shows good babyface fire in managing to hold them off 2:1 (we’re told Kingston/Woods are not here) but eventually he succumbs.  GoC in fact does get suspended and we won’t see them at all in the build to the Rumble. 

4.       Shoot Nation (Gable/Nemeth/Lashley) d. Underground (Authors of Pain/Murphy)
-Angle joins the announce desk for this one; Angle and Regal were former stablemates and in this build we’ve essentially seen Shoot Nation scrimmaging with the new crop of Underground wrestlers about to leave Dark Ride to work the main shows (Aleister Black/Gulak/Lorcan are the rest of this group) it’s friendly competition, Angle is trying to mold Shoot Nation into a cohesive unit, Regal is trying to get his guys ready for the next level.  At the announce desk, Angle needles Regal a little bit in a way that..maybe…starts to get under Regal’s skin a tick.  Gable has been positioned as the star of the squad, as “the next Angle” and he gets the fall here. 

Now – a video retrospective of the career of the Legendary Rey Mysterio, whose full time return to the WWF ring starts next. 

Clips of Rey in Mexico, in ECW, then NWA Fall Brawl ’96 when he took the US Title from Flair; beating Ultimo at Starrcade ’96, beating Juvie at Superbrawl ’97, regaining the US Title from Saturn at Starrcade ’98, beating Jericho at Superbrawl ’99, beating Kidman at Slamboree ’99, winning the NWA Title by beating Shane Douglas at Fall Brawl 2000, beating Kaz Hayashi at Starrcade 2000, beating Chavo at Superbrawl 2001, the final NWA show, beating Regal at Survivor Series ’02, taking the IC from RVD at Rumble ’03, beating Chavo at WM19, winning a three way over Ultimo and Tajiri at WM20, winning the tag belts with RVD over Flair/Leviathan at Summer Slam ’04, beating Paul London at WM21, winning the Triple Crown by taking the WWF Title from Eddy at Summer Slam ’05, keeping that belt over Juvie at Survivor Series ’05, keeping it over Psycosis and Super Crazy at Rumble ’06, keeping the belt over Benoit at WM22, regaining it against Booker at Summer Slam ’07, keeping it against the Undertaker at Survivor Series ’07, taking the IC from MVP at WM25, beating Matt Sydal at Survivor Series ’09, beating Carlito Colon at Rumble ’10, joining with Chavo to beat the Colons at WM26, beating Nick Nemeth at both Summer Slam ’10 and Survivor Series ’10, beating Danielson at Rumble ’11, beating Mistico at Rumble ’13, beating Dos Caras and embracing Eddy Guerrero’s widow Vickie at Rumble ’14.

And now 4 years later, the Legendary Rey Mysterio returns to the WWF as a full time wrestler. 

5.       The Legendary Rey Mysterio (w/Sombra) d. Kalisto (w/Crews)
-Mysterio has taken a very similar role to IRL Undertaker as the locker room leader (you need to shake his hand when you meet him, for ex.) that really manifests in his relationship with the other masked wrestlers, that we’ve seen play out in the “drive Kevin Steen out of the sport” angle.  This grates on Crews a little bit, he and Kalisto are tag partners from their days in Undergound but have never won the belts, he’s a little irritated that Kalisto is spending so much time with Mysterio – and his irritation (if you are looking, there’s not a close up camera shot) is evident postmatch here as Kalisto claps for Rey.

6.       Usos (Jimmy/Jey) d. Revival (Dash/Dawson)
-this is just a workrate match; neither team is currently in the title picture, they tore it down at Mania earlier in the year and currently both squads have suffered losses (Arn was buried under the Bullet Club flag and Roman has the medical issue that isn’t part of the broadcast but fans are probably aware of what’s going on) and that gives them the ability to just have this match to see if they can steal the show.  Usos go over – there’s lots of “it’s 1-1 now” from the guys postmatch.

7.       Women’s Title: Asuka d. Sasha Banks
-Asuka’s unbeaten and her matches are all about her being unbeaten and having the best match she can possibly have.  Asuka’s workrate Goldberg, she gets the chants, the signs, the fireworks, the backstage walk to the ring, the whole thing – and then she goes out and has great matches and wins.  That’s the formula.  She beats Banks here to keep her belt. 

8.       Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) d. Bobby Roode (w/Strong)
-Lesnar settled his contractual differences, deciding to stay with WWF and not return to UFC, part of his deal is a Number One Contenders match at the Rumble against the new holder of the Triple Crown, AJ.  This is positioned as a tune up and that’s what it is, Brock going over strong – adding an F5 to Roddy for good measure. 

Postmatch, the return of Styles – new gear, new music, new hair, he’s been doing babyface vignettes as he’s been away in the build – and now he and Lesnar go nose to nose; they will meet 1:1 for the first time ever at the Rumble.  Winner goes to Mania to fight for the WWF Title. 

The tag title match is next – there’s a video package with every tag title match in Survivor Series history:

1987 – The Anvil turns on the Hart Foundation and the Rougeaus take the belts
1988 – The Brainbusters take the belts from the Rougeaus
1989- The Rockers keep the belts over the Rougeaus
1990-The Road Warriors take the belts from the Orient Express
1991-The Road Warriors keep the belts over Slaughter/Boss Man
1992-The Steiners take the belts from Money Inc (note, the issue related to this has been acknowledged)
1993-The Steiners keep the belts over the Rock&Roll Express
1994-Bret and the Anvil, together again, take the belts from Luger/Bigelow
1995-Diesel and Razor take the belts from the Smoking Gunns
1996 – Bart Gunn and Marc Mero keep the belts over Furnas and LaFon
1997 – The Road Warriors came in as the tag champs – but they lose to Rock and DLo in a three way that also included the New Age Outlaws
1998 – Rock and DLo kept the belts over the New Age Outlaws
1999-In a tables match, the Dudleys took the belts from the Hardys
2000-Edge and Christian kept their belts over Hunter and Waltman
2001 – in a No DQ match, the Dudleys kept their belts over Raven and Dreamer
2002 – Benoit and Guerrero kept their belts over Noble and Kidman
2003 – Shawn and Hunter kept their belts over the Dudleys
2004 – Angle and Benjamin take the belts from RVD and Rey
2005 – Booker and Bradshaw take the belts from Orton and Cena
2006 – in a light tube tables match, RVD/Sabu take the belts from Dead Men Walking
2007 – Hunter and Shawn take the belts from Cade/Murdoch
2008 – Edge and the Blood Dragon (later revealed to be Christian) take the belts from Cena and Leviathan
2009 – Division One (Nemeth/Swagger) keep the belts from Regal and Finlay
2010 – Young Money (Killings/Kingston) kept over Hooligans (8 years later, Sheamus and McIntyre are wrestling for the straps tonight)
2011 – Empire (Wade Barrett/Justin Gabriel) kept over Mark Henry/Santino Marella
2012 – Defiance (Orton and Giant Bernard) kept the belts over Young Money
2013 – The Shield kept the belts over Mark Henry and PAUL~
2014 – In a 2 out of 3 Belts TLC Match The Shield kept over the Usos
2015 – The New Day took the belts from Sheamus and Barrett
2017 – In a tornado match the Usos kept the belts over the New Day

9.       WWF Tag Titles: Hooligans (McIntyre/Sheamus/Miz) d. Bullet Club (Black/Anderson/Gallows)
-Hooligans becomes the 106th WWF Tag Team Champions.  It is the first WWF belt for both McIntyre and Miz – Miz is going to get the fall and it is a real culmination of a long, long climb for him and he sells all the emotion he possibly can. Miz was rejected by the veterans and much of the fan base as being just a reality show gimmick, he had his bags thrown in the hallway, he has to carry around Hunter’s gear – and then even year’s later he was the Cuck, hitting the very bottom of his tenure as a professional wrestler (and, one could argue, as a man).  But that led to the climb, he earned the respect of Sheamus, forging a tag team between the two, and when Sheamus’s former partner McIntyre returned, they continued their ascent – culminating here in the Miz getting the pinfall (on Gallows) and bringing home the belts.  For Miz fans, a real special moment here. 

Then a highlight package of every IC match in Survivor Series history:

1987 – Savage keeps the belt over Rude
1988 – Bret keeps the belt over Davey Boy
1989 – DiBiase takes Rude’s belt when Heenan turns on Rick
1990 – Bret keeps the belt over HBK
1991 – Piper takes the belt from Bret
1992 – HBK takes the belt from Savage and then Owen takes the belt from HBK
1993 – HBK kept the belt over Waltman, Razor turns face postmatch to help Waltman
1994 – In a ladder match, Razor kept the belt over Waltman
1995 – HBK keeps the belt over Shane Douglas
1996 – In a cage, Cactus takes the belt from Vader
1997 – In an Octagon style cage, Shamrock takes the belt from Cactus
1998 – Austin keeps the belt over Regal
1999 – Jericho takes the belt from Waltman
2000 – Regal takes the belt from Jericho
2001 – Taz takes the belt from Tajiri
2002 – In a 2 out of 3 belt ladder match, RVD takes the title from HBK
2003 – Chavo takes the belt from Tajiri
2004 – Jericho keeps the belt over Chavo
2005 – Benoit wins the Triple Crown by taking the belt from Angle
2006 – Shane Helms takes the belt from Hunter and The Executioner Bobby Lashley turned face.
2007 -  MVP takes the belt from Orton
2008 – MVP keeps the belt over Rey
2009 – Shawn kept the belt over Benjamin
2010 – Nitro kept the belt over MVP
2011 – Sheamus kept the belt from Nitro, slamming Nitro’s shoulder in the ringpost as part of his run as the “Clique Killer”
2013 – Ambrose kept the belt over Kingston
2014 – Luke Harper takes the belt from Nemeth
2015 – Ambrose takes the belt from Bray Wyatt
2017 – Brock kept the belt over Angle

10.   IC: Prince Devitt d. Mascara Dorada
-Devitt has been in a feud with the entire Dark Ride Wrestling roster since right after the Rumble, he’s made it clear that he will own that whole place, lock stock and barrel before he quits.  He beat Cedric Alexander at Summer Slam to claim the vacant belt and now keeps here over Dorada in the best match they can have. 

There’s then a highlight package showing clips of the careers of Danielson and Joe, from when they were together at ROH, to side by side comparisons of where each was in each stage getting to this point – their first ever WWF match.

11.   The American Dragon Bryan Danielson d. Samoa Joe
-Danielson offers a handshake to Joe prior to the match, Joe stares hard at Danielson, but accepts.  Danielson and Joe both lost at Summer Slam, Danielson to Brock and Joe his title shot against Nakamura – so there’s definitely a “these guys are at the crossroads” feel here, Danielson also had the two losses to Styles immediately preceding, and while Joe is characteristically angry Joe – Danielson has been reflective “who am I now if I am no longer the best wrestler in the world”.

Danielson, like he was against Brock, is largely on the defensive here, you can see his gears spinning, what can I still do – what is my approach…

He repeats a spot from the Lesnar match – where he bails out, designed to frustrate his aggressive opponent, and then returns the ring when he thinks there’s an advantage. 

And then the finish – he rolls Joe into a small package and holds the tights. 

Danielson pumps his fist postmatch, very much a sports celebration, Joe stands in the ring incredulous – goddamn Bryan Danielson, the epitome of all that is good and pure and all that bullshit, has just beaten me by holding my goddamn trunks.  The steam just rising from Joe almost as if he’s a cartoon character postmatch as Danielson slaps the fans hands as he exits. 

The main event is next – here’s the clip package of every WWF Title match at Survivor Series.

1987 – Steamboat keeps the belt against Dynamite
1988 – Savage takes from Dynamite
1989 – Hennig, who had been faking a breakup with Heenan, takes Randy’s title
1990 – Hennig keeps over Kerry Von Erich
1991 – Flair takes the title from Davey Boy
1992 – Bret keeps the belt over Flair
1993 – Bret keeps the belt over Lex, he and the undefeated Undertaker then go nose to nose
1994 – HBK takes the belt from Owen and wins the Triple Crown, Diesel turns on him postmatch
1995 – Bret keeps the belt against Davey Boy
1996 – Bret takes the title from Shawn
1997 – Bret is forced to leave the promotion when he submits to Owen in the Montreal Match (Austin and Shawn are the other two competitors)
1998 – It’s the first Cell match, Cactus takes his two huge bumps, but he wins the match and keeps the belt, his opponent is Shamrock
1999 – Cactus keeps the belt in a 3 way against Rock and Hunter
2000 – Benoit keeps the belt against Austin
2001 – Angle beats Booker in a lumberjack match
2002 – Angle keeps the belt over Jericho
2003 – Eddy keeps the belt in a 4 way over Benoit/Brock/Angle
2004 – Benoit comes in as champion and he and Eddy fight to a time limit draw
2005 – Rey keeps the belt over Juvie in a tribute match to Eddy Guerrero
2006 – Punk beats Flair and then throws down the WWF Title belt
2007 – Rey keeps the belt over the Undertaker
2008 – Jericho takes the belt from Punk and wins the Triple Crown
2009 – Jericho keeps over Chavo; Matt Hardy cashes in a briefcase and he and Jericho fight to a no content
2010 – Edge keeps the belt over Jack Swagger
2011 – Nemeth keeps the belt over Mistico
2012 – Danielson keeps the belt over Rey
2013 – Danielson comes in as champion, he and Punk fight to a draw
2014 – Claudio keeps the title over Bray
2015 – Steen keeps the title over Nemeth
2017 – Joe comes in as champion, he is pinned by both AJ and Devitt simultaneously and the belt gets held up

12.   WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura d. Claudio Castagnoli
-Main event style match, needs to be on the long end so Nakamura can obviously be completely spent post match.  All the nearfalls, all the finishers – this really needs to be match of the night. 

Postmatch, Claudio disappears – and with Nakamura clearly exhausted – Tyler Black, briefcase in hand, emerges on the ramp. 

He is sprinting down the ramp when out of nowhere, like a defensive back, flies in Dean Ambrose, he tackles Black, takes the briefcase, waffles him with it.  Black is dead laid out – the returning Ambrose stands above him as the show ends. 

Back next month for the 14th anniversary of the Counterfactual; it’s the build to Rumble 2019, we don’t know it yet, but your main event (spoiler) is Shinsuke Nakamura defending his WWF Title against Kenta.  See you in December for the build.

Road to Survivor Series - 2018

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Summer Slam was here

The 32nd annual Survivor Series is headed to you next month from the fighting city of Los Angeles, California.
It’s a big card, a dozen matches.  Here’s the rundown:

The Title Matches:
WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura v. Claudio Castagnoli
IC Title: Prince Devitt v. Mascara Dorada   
Tag Titles: Bullet Club (Black/Anderson/Gallows) v. Hooligans (Sheamus/McIntyre/Miz)
Women’s Title: Asuka v. Sasha Banks

The Former Champions:
American Dragon Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe
The Legendary Rey Mysterio (w/Sombra) v. Kalisto (w/Crews)
Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) v. Bobby Roode (w/Strong)
Usos v. Revival 

The Rest:
Jeff Hardy v. Ali
Langston v. Braun Strowman
Shoot Nation (Gable/Lashley/Nemeth w/Benjamin) v. Underground (Murphy/Authors of Pain w/Aleister Black)
Ronda Rousey v. Charlotte Flair

Here’s how we get there:

WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura v. Claudio Castagnoli
-Nakamura was kicked out of the Bullet Club at the top of the calendar year, he then won the vacant WWF Title at the Rumble, unified that title with the IC by beating Lesnar at Mania, and kept it rolling by beating Joe at Summer Slam.  Claudio’s a former WWF Champion; he was given this title match prior to Summer Slam. Claudio’s been doing European vignettes so show how fabulous and European he is – he doesn’t speak any English (hasn’t in awhile) but has added the catchprase “You’re Welcome”.

Claudio returns to the ring on RAW the night after Summer Slam; he’s got an entourage, a couple of the extras who had appeared in his vignettes (I’m thinking one man, one woman) to do things like take off Claudio’s robe.  Claudio’s going to work a lot in the build – after each match hitting his catchphrase “You’re Welcome” as if he’s doing us a favor. Claudio remains aligned with Gargano, but since Mania Gargano has been busy with Ciampa, so he doesn’t play a role in this build.  Claudio rolls through all opponents – there’s not going to be a heat angle with he and Nakamura; they’ll do a nose to nose late in the build – but really it’s just about wanting to see these two super elite workers go at it, workrate is the selling point here.  Claudio is beloved fan favorite turned into “I’m better than you” heel; Nakamura was member of the invading heel stable the Bullet Club now turned into babyface World Champion.  We want to see them hook it up. 

The other thing Nakamura does in this build is continue his tagging with Kenta, which we saw prior to Summer Slam; they work Roode/Strong and GDI.  We establish a “at one time, they were in rival promotions, but now Kenta is largely here to support Nakamura, it’s Nakamura’s time now and Kenta is his friend, how they laugh about the old days of New Japan and NOAH going head to head – much like NJPW has won that battle, Nakamura has clearly outlasted Kenta and emerged at the top of the sport, but it’s fine, Kenta’s cool with that, it’s Nakamura’s time” sort of a vibe. 

IC Title: Prince Devitt v. Mascara Dorada   
Devitt formed the WWF chapter of the Bullet Club, bringing the NJPW talent to take over WWF.  Since the Rumble, he’s been feuding with the entire Dark Ride Wrestling roster; Devitt lost to Alexander at Mania, but then beat him at Summer Slam in the finals of a tournament to crown a new IC Champ.  Devitt, flanked by Anderson and Gallows, shows up on Dark Ride the week after Summer Slam to gloat.  The locker room empties to surround the ring – but Devitt blunts the onslaught by saying he’s going to put up the IC belt against someone from Dark Ride, he doesn’t care who, at Survivor Series.  That causes the Dark Ride wrestlers to start to look at each other sideways – maybe we shouldn’t be joining together to beat up Devitt (they did that previously) maybe I should be looking out for myself instead – maybe I want to get that IC title shot. 

It winds up with Dorada (who had been feuding with Ali) winning a four way over Tyler Bate/Keith Lee/Adam Cole to earn this shot.  Dorada will go over someone in a tuneup on RAW; Devitt will ominously hit the ring with Anderson and Gallows, and entering to stand with Dorada are his fellow masked wrestlers – Rey/Sombra/Kalisto.

This combines a couple of different threads.  Since Kevin Steen joined the promotion, an underlying thread has been his needling his masked stablemates (Pac/Generico) about their head covering.  That eventually bubbled up into Pac losing his mask (to Kalisto) which led to what could be called a psychotic break and Pac eventually leaving the territory.  Last year, Steen put together a tournament of all of the masked wrestlers – which precipitated Rey’s return to the WWF and eventuated in the big moment at Mania where Steen removed Generico’s mask despite losing the mask v mask match, in violation of all matters big and small. 

I mention that here because the relationship among the masked wrestlers has been in the air for over a year and has really tightened up post Mania with Mysterio taking over the position as locker room leader (think IRL Undertaker).  Even though they aren’t in a stable, with Dorada facing trouble, here come the other masked workers to stand with him.  The Sombra/Devitt staredown here is noteworthy as they were once babyface stablemates managed by Heyman.  Kalisto’s inclusion is noteworthy as he and Mysterio are set to face off at Survivor Series.  Mysterio takes the mic – tells Devitt what’s going to happen is he and Dorada are going to go 1:1 at Survivor Series – no Bullet Club, no run ins, just two great wrestlers for the strap.  Devitt makes some sort of “hey, maybe one day you and me are gonna go” type of tease – but eventually takes the deal; Dorada and Devitt go nose to nose and that’s the build.   

Tag Titles: Bullet Club (Black/Anderson/Gallows) v. Hooligans (Sheamus/McIntyre/Miz)
Man.  Okay – You know how Kurt Angle came back, right? Lost an IC match to Brock, reunited with Benjamin, teamed with Gable to go over Anderson and Gallows at Mania?  Post Mania, Angle announced his retirement match would be at next year’s Mania, that he would only be in tag matches going forward, and that he was starting a stable called Shoot Nation (Gable/Nemeth/Benjamin and a mystery member who was teased in vignettes).  Prior to Summer Slam, a match for the RAW the night following was made, 5x5, Shoot Nation v. Bullet Club.

So – it’s Styles/Black/Devitt/Anderson/Gallows against Angle/Gable/Nemeth/Benjamin and the man who is revealed to be the 5th member of Shoot Nation – Bobby Lashley. 

It’s Lashley’s return to WWF; in his prior stretch he was the muscle for Hunter’s heel stable the 51% Solution, he went away and has his IRL career and here he returns.  Lashley’s going to get the fall on Styles after there’s some Bullet Club confusion.  Angle/AJ was the centerpiece of the match; it’s Kurt’s farewell tour and this is his saying goodbye to Styles. Postmatch, they shake hands. 

The night prior, at Summer Slam, Styles and Black won the tag belts, so when the Bullet Club enters for this match, Anderson and Gallows carry them, Black carries the briefcase he won at Mania, Devitt carries his IC belt – only AJ is emptyhanded. That’s going to be rectified the following Monday, when he receives the Triple Crown.

At Summer Slam, when Styles and Black beat the Revival for the tag titles, AJ became only the 13th man in history to win the 3 traditional WWF title belts, which means he wins the Triple Crown.  This has always been positioned as the highest honor in the promotion – beyond angles or programs; it’s a feat of great reverence. 

The night following Summer Slam was scheduled to be the traditional Triple Crown ceremony where the prior winner hands the actual Triple Crown itself (like the Stanley Cup) to the new recipient.  However, AJ leaves the arena following the loss to Shoot Nation, and we’re told the ceremony is being bumped a week.

The following week is the ceremony – the full Bullet Club enters, including Lynch, who hasn’t wrestled since losing her belt at Mania.  And then Shoot Nation enters, because the prior winner of the Triple Crown was Nemeth.  He’s holding the trophy itself, engraved thereon are the names:














AJ shakes Nemeth’s hand – he and Angle hug.  AJ gives a speech that walks through his career, he talks about Jimmy Rave, he talks about Chris Daniels, he talks about Angle and Joe and Nakamura – and talks about the Bullet Club. AJ says he could not have gotten here without them. 

But the next place he has to go, he has to go alone (AJ is wearing a sportcoat over a Bullet Club t-shirt, he takes off the jacket, and takes off the t-shirt).  AJ says it’s time he goes out on his own; he’s leaving the Bullet Club – the tag titles belong to the Club, they can defend them.

Anger shows on Black’s face – but Devitt holds him back. Devitt wishes AJ good luck, says he hopes he gets exactly what he deserves – and extends his hand.  The two men, shake, AJ exits the ring.

So – we’ve been building to this since the end of the Danielson match at Mania, then moving through to AJ’s not being part of the AA beatdown in the build to Summer Slam. AJ’s gonna leave for awhile; he’s not working Survivor Series – but its announced that he and Lesnar (Lesnar resigns with the promotion) will meet at the Rumble, and the winner of that match will go to Mania to wrestle for the WWF Title. 

This time for AJ is about face turning vignettes, how he had grown apart from the idea of the Bullet Club, how he could see his values deviating from there’s – how he didn’t want to be the guy with the gang behind him, he wants to be the Best Wrestler in the World, standing on his own feet. 

In the build to Summer Slam, and even back in the Mania build, we saw Black team with Anderson and Gallows multiple times, so that’s the trio that establishes itself as defending the tag belts. 

They’ll be defending against Sheamus/McIntyre and Mizanin, who won that right when Mizanin beat Reigns at Summer Slam. Since McIntyre returned to the promotion at Mania, it would have been reasonable to wonder when he’s going to turn on Mike.  But – he doesn’t – and after Summer Slam the long quest to find a name for the Mizanin/Sheamus team comes to an end when McIntyre and Sheamus present him with a Hooligans hockey jersey. On the back – “The Miz” – McIntyre said that Danielson stole your name, we’re taking it back. 

Hooligans challenging Bullet Club for the belts at Survivor Series. 

Women’s Title: Asuka v. Sasha Banks
Asuka is doing the undefeated gimmick, she’s got all the IRL Goldberg trappings.  She took the belt from Becky at Mania; she was scheduled to work Natty at Summer Slam, but the Anvil died and the match was canceled. 

Natty again is named number one contender  - but she’s going to wind up injured at the hands of Rousey, we’ll talk about that when we get to the Rousey match.  They hold a 10 woman battle royal to name a new number one contender (no Charlotte, she’s busy, no B ecky, she still isn’t wrestling or talking or doing anything but making those super rare appearances in street clothes with the Bullet Club) Sasha and Bayley are the final two entrants, Sasha wins and she gets the shot. 

American Dragon Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe
Danielson and Joe both lost high profile Summer Slam matches and they are immediately named to face each other at Survivor Series.  There will be a lot of talking head taped pieces here (Gabe gets to come back to do ROH history) setting the two of them up as the pillars of the 21st century gravitational shift in US independent wrestling that would lead to the creation of GDI and the dominance that ROH alumni have had in WWF for the last decade+. 

But this is a crossroads – Joe approaches it angrily, it was Danielson who screwed him out of his title when he was the Commissioner,  who knows if he’ll ever get a shot again now that he lost to Nakamura, if someone’s career is ending at Survivor Series, it’s not going to be Joe’s.

Danielson is more pensive – he’s lost to AJ twice and now to Brock since returning from injury, he’s searching for answers a little bit; he’s always prided himself on  adaptability – he could brawl when he needed to brawl, grapple when he needed to grapple – he could fight big men as well as small men; he now clearly sees it’s time to adapt again, he’s just not quite sure yet into what. 

Joe has a few squash matches in the build – he’s all fury; Danielson doesn’t wrestle at all,he does taped vignettes – quiet and contemplative. Both men understand the moment – see where their careers are and who the man is who will be standing across the ring. It’s a match never before seen in a WWF ring – a match years in the making – it is Danielson vs. Joe at Survivor Series.   

The Legendary Rey Mysterio (w/Sombra) v. Kalisto (w/Crews)
Sombra beats Steen at Summer Slam and Steen leaves; Mysterio having successfully run him out of town.  Rey turns his energies toward coaching the masked wrestlers; Rey says his time at the top has ended, and he’s really just here now to give back.  The time Rey spends with Kalisto rubs Crews in the wrong way, as he wants his partner to be more focused on going after the tag titles.  Rey hasn’t wrestled yet since returning full time to the promotion – he had the one off with Generico at the Rumble, but this marks his full WWF return. 

Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) v. Bobby Roode (w/Strong)
Lesnar’s Summer Slam match with Danielson was positioned as maybe the last wrestling match of his career before heading back to UFC – but in this stretch it’s announced that he’s signed a new deal and has that Styles match at the Rumble as part of the contract.  There’s no Lesnar at all in the build; there is Heyman, who calls this a tune up match.  That draws the ire of Roode (we’ve already discussed how he and Strong are programmed against Nakamura and Kenta, with GDI also in that mix) who displays his pride, talks about his credentials, says maybe he’ll be the one to go to the Rumble and take on AJ to see who goes to Mania. 

Usos v. Revival
The Usos dropped the tag belts to the Revival at Mania, who dropped them to the Bullet Club at Summer Slam.  This is positioned as a pure workrate match – the Usos call out the Revival, say they’re sorry about Arn – the Revival says they’re sorry about Roman (Roman’s shoot cancer isn’t ever discussed on the broadcast, so they’re doing some inside talk here) the four men agree that they’re the two best tag teams in the world, belts or no belts, and why don’t they go to the Survivor Series and steal the whole damn show. 

Jeff Hardy v. Ali
Like a lower key Mysterio, Jeff is also super interested in working with some of the young guys; Jeff beat Harper at Summer Slam, and now he issues an open challenge to any of the younger wrestlers who wants to take him on.  Ali answers – they have a TV match where Jeff goes over but it’s designed to give Ali some shine “look how close he came to beating Jeff Hardy” that sort of a thing – and they decide to do it again at Mania (maybe Jeff beats him twice on TV in a soooo close fashion, that probably is okay)

Langston v. Braun Strowman
Gods Of Carnage has spent most of the calendar year seemingly intent on destroying the New Day; the New Day got some revenge at Summer Slam, intentionally picking up a DQ by assaulting GoC with light tubes. GoC interrupts the first New Day TV match after Summer Slam with a full weapons based attack – that brawl gets out of control and WWF officials determine that at Survivor Series Langston will meet Strowman with the other members of both squads barred from ringside – and if they violate that bar they will receive a 3 month suspension, which would knock them out of the Rumble.

Shoot Nation (Gable/Lashley/Nemeth w/Benjamin) v. Underground (Murphy/Authors of Pain w/Aleister Black)
For those of you unaware; Kurt Angle once helmed a WWF stable in which his “enforcer” was Steve Regal; Regal, in addition to his duties as Fight Night analyst, also runs WWFU, the developmental arm of the WWF, known colloquially as Underground.  As Angle puts together Shoot Nation, he and Regal have friendly banter about how the next class to “graduate” to the main roster could use some time at the Shoot Nation learning tree (Lorcan and Gulak are also part of this group, with Murphy, Aleister Black and AoP. They work in multiple configurations in the build (including one training session at Full Sail where Regal gets in the ring and he and Angle square off –it’s the Kurt Angle farewell tour, don’t you know) at Survivor Series – we’ll see Gable/Lashley/Nemeth taking on Murphy and the AoP – Angle will be joining Regal at the announce desk to call this one. 

Ronda Rousey v. Charlotte Flair
Rousey had what was planned to be a one off shootfight (worked) at Mania, but in the build, made some comments that seemed to minimize the accomplishments of the women’s roster, who took exception.  That led to a very, very brief shootfight (worked) between Rousey and Paige, ending the latter’s career.  Paige’s former 4-Ground stablemate, Charlotte, took up the cause; she faced Rousey at Summer Slam.  Charlotte took it very seriously, leaving the promotion for heavy MMA training, Rousey did not take it seriously, spending the summer shooting on television and film sets.  Rousey still beat her up pretty good, winning on a referee stoppage, but Charlotte got more than would have been expected (1) the fight went more than one round (2) Charlotte didn’t submit (3) Charlotte caught Ronda with a shoot punch to the face that ideally leaves some sort of mark, a broken nose, a busted lip – some sort of evidence that Rousey got punched full in the face. 

The night after Summer Slam, Charlotte comes to the ring, looking like someone who got her ass kicked the night before “You should have seen the other guy” she says – and then “Wait – you can” and then the video wall shows the clip of Charlotte connecting with the punch and then whatever physical evidence there was of that postfight. 

Charlotte says what we learned last night is Ronda Rousey is a better MMA fighter than Charlotte Flair. 

But how about we step into my world?  How about at Survivor Series, we find out that Charlotte Flair is a better wrestler than Ronda Rousey?  Charlotte says the show’s in LA – she can come right off her movie set and step right into the ring.  How about Ronda Rousey wrestles a match?

The following week, a taped response from Rousey – she’s hot. She says against the advice of her management, she’s going to accept the challenge.  But Flair needs to be careful what she wishes for – if she wants to see Ronda Rousey, pro wrestler – she’s going to see Ronda Rousey, pro wrestler. 
That brings us to Natty – she’s going to appear on RAW to cut emotional promo in her first appearance post Anvil’s death – as previously referenced, she’s set to take on Asuka for the title at Survivor Series, but here she challenges Rousey to wrestle her first match against her.  This is what her dad would have wanted to see – Natty go up against an elite athlete like Rousey. 

We hear reports for a couple of weeks about negotiations between the Rousey camp and WWF, but then the match is set – Ronda Rousey’s first professional wrestling match  - it’s set for a WWF Network special, Rousey v. Neidhart, and then will be shown on free TV the following week.  One of the reasons to do this is to get Rousey doing house shows, she and Natty can go out together and work wrestling matches, both allowing for Rousey to draw some houses and learn how to be a professional wrestler by working with Neidhart.  House shows aren’t canon, in terms of storyline, this match is a one off. 

This is really designed for Rousey to shine in a fairly short match “look at that suplex – can you believe it” she’s going to sell very little, she’s Brock, essentially – she’s a wrestler but she whips your ass; the match should not feel like any other women’s match you ever see, it’s wrestling – so the Octagon is gone, Rousey no longer has her MMA trainers with her – but she isn’t Alexa Bliss, she’s Brock Lesnar. 

Nattie came to the ring wearing her father’s Hart Foundation hockey jersey number (each Hart Foundation member, once they won a title, got their own number, Dynamite is #1, Nattie is #11; it’s a decades long tradition) she removes the jersey prior to match, places it at ringside.  Postmatch, after the decisive Rousey victory, Rousey grabs it like a towel to wipe the sweat off her face. 

Which is a pretty good heel move.  Rousey laughs her way up the ramp.

That special has an undercard match with Charlotte.  The first WWF intergender match of the modern era. 

You may recall that there was a physical confrontation between Bray and Charlotte during the briefcase match at Mania in which Charlotte got the better of Bray.  As you’d assume, this has been a real irritant to Wyatt subsequent, driving him to distraction.  Bray’s going to put Roode over in this build (Charlotte is a member of the Horsemen, with Joe/Roode/Strong) but during the match Charlotte comes to ringside to confront Bray, who has been cutting promos on her.  Charlotte gets right in his face in a way that probably pops the crowd, just given how singularly unusual it is. 

And so – they announce a match.  Man vs. Woman, Bray Wyatt taking on Charlotte Flair.  This will obviously cause a ton of talk (a lot of it negative) should this match take place, what if Bray hurts her – what about Survivor Series, etc…Roode and Strong are totally opposed to the match; there’s very little contact these days between Joe and the rest of the Horsemen, but he makes an appearance to have a discussion with Flair (he says she’s grown, she can do what she wants) also opposed is Luke Harper, he says he can’t walk this road with Bray.  That’s a pretty good Network special, I think, Rousey’s first wrestling match and the first modern WWF intergender match.

Charlotte goes over – she pins the former IC Champ right in the middle of the ring – which hopefully gives her some steam headed to Survivor Series (it’s the last we see of the Bray Wyatt character, as one can understand, this is a tough loss to emotionally recover from, who knows what fiendish consequences there might be as a result of something so scarring).  They do some type of split screen interview with Renee at the end of the build. 

That’s the show – add the stuff going on with Dark Ride that hasn’t already been referenced (Blood Warriors International in a program with the Clique and British Strong Style, the next wave of women, Moon, Shirai, Sane) heat up and there’s your build to Survivor Series.

It’s Survivor Series 32 – coming at you next month – only on the WWF Network.

WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura v. Claudio Castagnoli
IC Title: Prince Devitt v. Mascara Dorada   
Tag Titles: Bullet Club (Black/Anderson/Gallows) v. Hooligans (Sheamus/McIntyre/Miz)
Women’s Title: Asuka v. Sasha Banks
American Dragon Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe
The Legendary Rey Mysterio (w/Sombra) v. Kalisto (w/Crews)
Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) v. Bobby Roode (w/Strong)
Usos v. Revival 
Jeff Hardy v. Ali
Langston v. Braun Strowman
Shoot Nation (Gable/Lashley/Nemeth w/Benjamin) v. Underground (Murphy/Authors of Pain w/Aleister Black)
Ronda Rousey v. Charlotte Flair 

Star Ratings - Royal Rumble

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Survivor Series is here

Royal Rumble 1989

IC: Curt Hennig (w/Brain) d. Bret Hart 4 ½ (switch)
Tags: Brainbusters (w/Brain) d. Rockers 4
WWF Title: Randy Savage d. Ted DiBiase 3 ¾
Rick Martel d. Terry Taylor 3

Royal Rumble 1990

WWF Title: Curt Hennig (w/Brain) d. Rick Rude 4 ¼
IC: Bret Hart d. Ted DiBiase (switch) 4
Jacques Rougeau d. Ray Rougeau 3

Royal Rumble 1991

Shawn Michaels d. Marty Jannetty 4
IC: Bret Hart d. Rick Martel 3 ¾
WWF Title: Curt Hennig d. Ted DiBiase 3 ½

Royal Rumble 1992

IC: No DQ: Randy Savage d. Roddy Piper 4
Shawn Michaels d. Owen Hart 4
WWF Title Ric Flair (w/Hennig) d. Davey Boy Smith 3 ¾
Tito Santana d. Rick Martel 3 ½
Tags: Money Inc (DiBiase/Rotundo) d. Road Warriors 3

Royal Rumble 1993
IC: Iron Man: Shawn Michaels d. Owen Hart (switch) 5
WWF Title: Bret Hart d. Genichiro Tenryu (w/Fuji) 4 ¼
Curt Hennig d. Ric Flair (w/Bobby) 4
Razor Ramon d. Randy Savage 3 ½
Tags: Steiners d. Beverly Brothers 3 ¼

Royal Rumble 1994
No DQ: Owen Hart d. Randy Savage 4 ¼
WWF Title: Bret Hart d. Undertaker 4
IC: Shawn Michaels (w/Diesel) d. Razor Ramon (w/Waltman) 3 ¾
Tags: Rougeaus (Jacques/Pierre w/Levy and Ted) d. Steiners 3 ¼ 
Genichiro Tenryu d. Bob Backlund 3
Jeff Jarrett d. Lex Luger 3
Smoking Gunns d. Headshrinkers 3

Royal Rumble 1995
WWF Title: No DQ: Shawn Michaels d. Diesel 4 ½
IC: Owen Hart d. Razor Ramon 4 (switch)
Tags: British Empire(Davey Boy/Backlund) d. Hart Foundation (Bret/Anvil) 3 ½
Smoking Gunns d. Jarrett/Dogg 3 ¼ 
Sean Waltman d. Rick Martel 3

Royal Rumble 1996
WWF Title: Bret Hart d. Owen Hart 5
IC: Vader (w/Perfect) d. Shawn Michaels (switch) 4 ½
Sean Waltman (w/HHH) d. Hakushi 4
No DQ: HHH (w/Waltman and Sunny) d. Bob Holly 3 ½ 
Tags: Steve Austin/Dustin Rhodes d. Diesel/Razor (switch) 3  ½ 

Royal Rumble 1997
WWF Title: Lumberjack: Bret Hart d. Shawn Michaels (Guest referee-Brian Pillman) 5
IC: Death Match: Cactus Jack d. Terry Funk 4
Steve Austin d. Vader 4
Tags: Hart Foundation (Owen/Davey Boy) d. Marc Mero/Bart Gunn (switch) (triple crown) 3 ½
2 Cold Scorpio d. Hector Garza (w/Al) 3 ½
Goldust d. HHH 3

Royal Rumble 1998
WWF Title: Owen Hart d. Steve Austin  4 ¾
Casket Match: Shawn Michaels d. Undertaker 4 ¼
IC: Octagon: Ken Shamrock d. Vader 4
Tags: No DQ: Cactus Jack/Terry Funk d. NOD (Rock/DLo) 3 ¾
Marc Mero d. Goldust 3
Jeff Jarrett d. Savio Vega 3 

Royal Rumble 1999
WWF Title: Barbed Wire: Owen Hart d. Cactus Jack (switch) 4 ½
IC: Steve Austin d. Al Snow 3 ¾
Jeff Hardy (w/Matt) d. 2 Cold Scorpio (w/Henry) 3 ¾
Tags: NOD (Rock/DLo) d. HHH/Waltman 3 ½
Edge/Christian d. NAO 3 ¼
Flag Match: Ulysses Morley d. Dustin Rhodes 3

Royal Rumble 2000
IC: Cage: Chris Jericho d. HHH 4 ½
WWF Title: Cactus Jack d. Taz 4 ¼
No DQ Edge (w/Christian/Trish) d. Ulysses Morley 3 ½
Hardys (w/Lita) d. NAO (Dogg/Jarrett)3 ¼ 
Kurt Angle d. Sean Waltman 3
Al Snow d. Rock, DLo 3

Royal Rumble 2001
WWF Title: Chris Benoit d. Chris Jericho 5
IC: Steve Regal d. Steve Austin 4 ¼
Kurt Angle d. The Rock 3 ¾
Tags: Raven/Taz (w/Justin and Duds) d. Edge/Christian (w/Trish) 3 ½
Ulysses Morley d. Perry Saturn 3
Hardys d. Dudleys (DQ) 3 ¼ 

Royal Rumble 2002
IC/US/TV: RVD (w/Heyman) d. Taz 4
Tags: Chris Jericho/Lance Storm w/Stacy d. Dudleys, Edge/Christian 4 (switch)
Steve Austin d. DDP 3 ¾
HHH d. Undertaker 3 ¾
Steve Regal d. Rock 3 ½
Shane Helms (w/Chavo) d. Ulysses Morley (w/Snow) 3

Royal Rumble 2003
TLC4: Hardys (w/Bischoff) d. Dudleys (w/Heyman) d. Edge/Christian (Trish) 4 ¾ 
WWF/NWA/ECW: Kurt Angle d. Shawn Michaels 4 ½
Tags: Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin d. Chris Benoit/Eddie Guerrero (w/Horsemen) 4 ½
IC/US/TV: Rey Mysterio d. RVD (switch) 4 ¼
Chris Jericho d. Brock Lesnar (DQ) 3 ¾
Chavo Guerrero (w/Horsemen) d. Tajiri 3 ¾ 
Lance Storm (w/Stacy) d. Steve Regal 3 ½

Royal Rumble 2004
WWF/NWA/ECW Kurt Angle d. Eddy Guerrero 4 ¼ (switch)
IC/TV/US: Chavo Guerrero d. Tajiri, Rey Mysterio 4
Tags: Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin d. HBK/HHH 4
Chris Benoit d. Jamie Noble 4
Chris Jericho d. RVD (w/Heyman) 3 ¾
Christian (w/Trish) d. Matt Hardy (w/Bischoff) 3  ½
Barbed Wire: Brock Lesnar d. Mick Foley 3 ½
Flair/Leviathan d. Dudleys, SpreeKillers (Helms/Rhyno) 3

Royal Rumble 2005
WWF/NWA/ECW: Chris Benoit d. Shawn Michaels 4 ½
Paul London d. Rey Mysterio 4 ½
IC/US/TV: Edge d. Chris Jericho (w/Trish) (switch) 4 ¼
Tags: SpreeKillers (Rhyno/Shane Helms) d. Kurt Angle/Shelton Benjamin (w/Regal and Haas) 3 ¾ (switch)
Eddy Guerrero d. Leviathan Batista 3 ¼
Christian d. Ric Flair 3

Royal Rumble 2006
Shawn Michaels d. Kurt Angle (w/Benjamin) 4 ¼ 
WWF/NWA/ECW: Rey Mysterio d. Psychosis, Super Crazy 4 ¼
IC/US/TV: Fit Finlay (w/Regal and Dean) d. Chris Benoit (switch) 4
Brian Kendrick d. Jamie Noble, Paul London 4
Empty Arena: Matt Hardy d. Edge 3 ¾
RVD d. Kid Kash 3
HHH-M (w/Solution) d. Shelton Benjamin (w/Angle) 3
Tags: Booker T/Bradshaw (w/Conway) d. SpreeKillers (Chavo/Helms) 3

Royal Rumble 2007
ECW: CM Punk d. Matt Hardy 3 ¾
IC/TV/US: Shane Helms d. Chavo Guerrero (w/LWO) 3 ½
Booker T (w/MVP and Burke) d. Edge (w/Hart and Smith) 3 ¼
Fit Finlay (w/Dean) d. Randy Orton 3
HBK draw Jeff Hardy 3

Royal Rumble 2008
ECW: CM Punk d. Jeff Hardy 4
NWA: Johnny Nitro (w/Melina) d. Fit Finlay (w/Dean) 3 ¾
WWF Title: Shelton Benjamin d. Rey Mysterio 3 ¾  (switch)
US: Jamie Noble d. Randy Orton (switch) 3 ½
Yakuza Yang (w/Kendrick) d. Little Warrior Shannon Moore 3
Juggernaut Eddie Little d. Undertaker 3

Royal Rumble 2009
WWF Title: Chris Jericho d. HHH-M 4
IC: 2 of 3 Falls: MVP d. Rey Mysterio 3 ½
Shelton Benjamin draw Johnny Nitro 3 ½ 
Randy Orton (w/Dean) d. RVD (w/Taz) 3 ¼
Cage: Matt Hardy d. Brian Kendrick 3
Jack Swagger (w/Kelly) d. Ted DiBiase, Jr 3

Royal Rumble 2010
Cage: Christian d. CM Punk 4 ½
IC: Matt Sydal d. Shawn Michaels 3 ¾ (switch)
Tags: D1 (Nick Nemeth and Jack Swagger w/Kelly) d. Defiance (Randy Orton/Ted DiBiase, w/Dean) 3 ½
WWF Title: Chris Jericho d. Matt Hardy 3 ½
Yoshi Tatsu d. MVP 3
Rey Mysterio (w/Chavo) d. Carlito Colon (w/Primo) 3

Royal Rumble 2011
Rey Mysterio d. Bryan Danielson 4
IC: Johnny Nitro (w/Natty) d. Tyson Kidd (w/Harry) 3 ¾
Tags: Defiance (Orton/DiBiase) d. Young Money (Kingston/Killings) 3 ¼
CM Punk d. Steve Regal DQ 3 ¼
Dos Caras, Jr (w/Ricardo and Vicki) d. Chavo Guerrero 3 ¼ 
Zach Ryder (w/Douchebags) d. Yoshi Tatsu (w/Cole) 3

Royal Rumble 2012
WWF Title: Bryan Danielson d. Nick Nemeth (switch) 4 ¼
John Cena d. CM Punk 4
No DQ Yoshi Tatsu d. Heath Slater 3 ¼
Cage: Kingston d. Killings 3
IC: Sheamus d. Miz 3

Royal Rumble 2013
Nick Nemeth d. Claudio Castagnoli (w/Hero) 4 ¼
Chris Jericho d. CM Punk 4
WWF Title: Bryan Danielson (w/Steamboat) d. Dos Caras, Jr (w/Vicki and Ricardo) 4
Rey Mysterio d. Mistico 3 ¾
Miz d. John Cena 3 ¼
IC: Rock NC Nick Nemeth 3

Royal Rumble 2014
WWF Championship: Montreal Match: Bryan Danielson d. CM Punk,  Brock Lesnar, Jack Swagger 4 ¾
IC: Sheamus d. Nick Nemeth, Dean Ambrose (switch) 3 ½
Tags: Shield (Black/Langston) d. Wyatts (Dustin/Cena) 3 ½
Claudio Castagnoli d. Leviathan Batista 3
Rey Mysterio d. Dos Caras, Jr. (Ricardo/Vicki) 3

Royal Rumble 2015
WWF Title: Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman and Kenta) d. Claudio Castagnoli 4 ½
Bray Wyatt d. Nick Nemeth 3 ½ 
Tyson Kidd d. Kingston 3 ½
Jack Swagger d. John Cena 3
Women’s Title: Paige (w/4Ground) d. Natty Neidhart 3

Royal Rumble 2016
Mask v Mask: Kalisto d. Pac 4 ½
IC: AJ Styles d. Dean Ambrose 4
El Generico d. Chris Jericho 4
Tags: New Day: (Langston/Kingston w/Woods) d. Rusev/Dos Caras (w/GHB and Lana) 3 ½
Parking Lot Brawl: Luke Harper d. Damian Sandow 3 ½
WWF Title: Brock Lesnar (w/Devitt, Sombra, Heyman) d. Kevin Steen (w/Generico), Nick Nemeth (w/Sheamus and Barrett) countout 3 ¼
Roman Reigns Uso d. HHH-M 3 ¼
Tables Match: Usos d. Dudleys, Rhodes Brothers 3 1/4
Women’s Title: Charlotte Flair d. Becky Lynch 3 1/4

Royal Rumble 2017
Tags: Kevin Steen/El Generico d. Trash (Claudio/Neville) (switch) 4 ¾
WWF Title: Cage: AJ Styles d. Luke Harper 4 ¼
Women’s Title 2 of 3 Falls: Sasha Banks d. Charlotte Flair (switch) 4
IC: Brock Lesnar d. Rusev (w/Lana and GHB) 3 3/4  (switch)
Chris Jericho d. Nick Nemeth, Roman Reigns Uso 3 ½
Crews/Kalisto d. Swann/Gallagher 3 ½
Dean Ambrose d. Langston 3 ¼

Royal Rumble 2018
Number One Contenders: 2 of 3 Falls: The Revival (w/AA) d. American Alpha 4 ½
WWF Title: Royal Rumble Warfare 4
El Generico v. Rey Mysterio 4
Dark Ride Lumberjack: Sombra (w/Zelina) d. Adam Cole 3 ¾
Tags: Usos d. Anderson/Gallows 3 ½
Women’s Title: Asuka d. Becky Lynch (countout) 3 ½
IC: Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman) d. Shelton Benjamin 3

Royal Rumble 2019
Loser Leaves Town: Tyler Black (w/Anderson and Gallows) d. Dean Ambrose 4 ½
WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura d. Kenta 4 ½
Samoa Joe d. Bryan Danielson 4 ¼
Number One Contender: AJ Styles d. Brock Lesnar 4 ¼
IC: Devitt d. Tozawa, Dunne 4 ¼
Io Sharai d. Kairi Sane 4
Tags: Hooligans d. Trash 3 ¾
Womens Title: Asuka d. Ember Moon 3 ½
Ronda Rousey d. Becky Lynch 3 ½
Elimination Match: Underground (Aleister Black/Buddy Murphy) d. Rey/Sombra (w/Zelina) Crews/Kalisto, Gable/    3 ½
Shoot Nation (Angle/Benjamin/Lashley) d. New Day 3 ½

Royal Rumble 2020
Styles d. Danielson 4 1/2
IC: Aleister Black d. Ricochet 4 1/4
WWF Title: Black d. Nakamura/Joe 4
Shirai d. Sane 4
Lesnar/Gable d. Riddle/Lee 3 3/4
McIntyre d. Reigns 3 3/4
Sombra d. Claudio 3 1/2 
Tags: Edge/Nitro d. Mysterio/Steen 3 1/2
Women: Baszler d. Asuka 3 1/2 
Flair draw Lynch 3 1/4
New Day d. Hooligans 3

Royal Rumble 2021
Danielson d. Ricochet 4 3/4 
Edge d. Christian 4 1/4
Castagnoli d. Styles 4 1/4
Riddle d. Mysterio/Steen/Zayn 4
Banks d. Bayley 3 3/4
Black d. Nemeth 3 1/2
Lashley d. Nakamura 3 1/2 
New Day d. Hooligans d. Miz/Nitro 3
Neidhart d. Asuka 3
Ripley/Baszler d. Belair/Storm 3

Royal Rumble 2022
Zayn d. Steen 4 3/4
Styles d. Ricochet 4 1/4
Reigns/Gable d. New Day 4
Riddle d. Lesnar 3 3/4 
Nakamura d. Black 3 1/2
Edge d. Rey 3 1/2
Ripley d. Banks/Belair 3 1/4
McIntyre/Lashley d. Sheamus/Nemeth 3 1/4
Defiance d. Street Profits 3 1/4
Rousey d. Baszler 3

Royal Rumble 2023
Devitt d. Gargano 4 1/2
Asuka d. Sky 4 1/2 
Rhodes d. Gable 4 1/4
Reigns d. Black 4 1/4
Ricochet d. Escobar 4
Paul d Edge 3 1/2 
Lesnar/Walter d. McIntyre/Lashley 3 1/4
Belair d. Bayley 3 1/4
Priest d. Ford 3
Rey d Kingston 3

Royal Rumble 2024
Tag Titles: Steen/Zayn d. Styles/Nakamura 4 1/2
#1 Contender: Walter d. Reigns 4
Paul d. Devitt 4
WWF Title: Rhodes d. Punk 4
Elimination Chamber: 3 3/4 
Unsanctioned: Andrade d. Reed 3 3/4
Hayes d. Ricochet 3 3/4
Orton d. Priest 3 1/2
IC: Jey d McIntyre 3 1/2
Womens Tag: Belair/Bayley d. Stratton/Baszler 3 1/4
Womens Title: Asuka d. Grace 3 1/4

Top 10 
1. '96 WWF Title: Bret Hart d. Owen Hart 5
2. '01 WWF Title: Chris Benoit d. Chris Jericho 5
3. '97 WWF Title: Lumberjack: Bret Hart d. Shawn Michaels (Guest referee-Brian Pillman) 5
4. '93 IC: Iron Man: Shawn Michaels d. Owen Hart (switch) 5
5. '21 WWF Title: Danielson d. Ricochet (switch) 4 3/4 
6. '17 Tags: Kevin Steen/El Generico d. Trash (Claudio/Neville) (switch) 4 ¾
7. '22 WWF Title: Zayn d. Steen 4 3/4
8. '14 WWF Championship: Montreal Match: Bryan Danielson d. CM Punk,  Brock Lesnar, Jack Swagger 4 ¾
9. '03 TLC4: Hardys (w/Bischoff) d. Dudleys (w/Heyman) d. Edge/Christian (Trish) 4 ¾ 
10. '98 WWF Title: Owen Hart d. Steve Austin  4 ¾

11. '96 IC: Vader (w/Perfect) d. Shawn Michaels (switch) 4 ½
12. '05 WWF/NWA/ECW: Chris Benoit d. Shawn Michaels 4 ½
13. '03 WWF/NWA/ECW: Kurt Angle d. Shawn Michaels 4 ½
14. '19 Loser Leaves Town: Tyler Black d. Dean Ambrose 4 1/2
15. '15 WWF Title: Brock Lesnar (w/Heyman and Kenta) d. Claudio Castagnoli 4 ½
16. WWF Title: Shinsuke Nakamura d. Kenta 4 ½ 
17. '16 Mask v Mask: Kalisto d. Pac 4 ½
18. '89 IC: Curt Hennig (w/Brain) d. Bret Hart 4 ½ (switch)
19. '20 AJ Styles d. Bryan Danielson 4 1/2
20. '10 Cage: Christian d. CM Punk 4 ½

21. '24 Tags: Zayn/Steen d. Styles/Nakamura 4 1/2
22. '23 IC Devitt d. Gargano 4 1/2
23. '23 Chicago St Fight: Asuka d. Sky 4 1/2 
24. '94 WWF Title: No DQ: Shawn Michaels d. Diesel 4 ½
25. '99 WWF Title: Barbed Wire: Owen Hart d. Cactus Jack (switch) 4 ½

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